
Simulation Laboratories

Nursing Simulation Lab/Medical Surgical & Critical Care Nursing laboratory will serve as a significant regional educational resource and a Lab of excellence for simulation training and research. It provides students with the opportunity to tackle real-life skills and health-related scenarios in a safe and supported environment prior to applying these skills in the clinical setting. The main features of the lab are our high-fidelity patient simulators. They all have the ability to simulate bleeding, breathing, and speaking and are equipped with audible heart, lung, and bowel sounds. These simulators can be pre-programmed to mimic a wide variety of conditions and are applicable to a wide variety of disciplines in nursing care. The high-fidelity simulators include adult and pediatric manikin models.


The lab is equipped with a human patient simulator and equipment that students usually face in critical care settings (e.g., cardiac monitor, mechanical ventilator, hemodynamic monitoring, IV infusion pump, O2 therapy, suction machine, etc.). Students are provided with opportunities to experience several acute/critical care conditions to gain needed practice, build personal confidence and a culture of teamwork, expand critical thinking, and make necessary decisions about interventions while encountering complicated case scenarios. The lab consists of two simulation rooms, a one-control room central control room equipped with technology and equipment to run simulation scenarios, and a debriefing room equipped with whiteboards and a large flat-screen TV for video playback, which serve as a place to reinforce the positive aspects of the simulation experience and encourage reflective learning.

Contact Faculty On

  • Email: dean_nursing@ammanu.edu.jo
  • Phone: +962 5 3500211
  • Extension: 4501
  • Address: Al-Ahliyya Amman University / Amman-Jordan- Al Salt Road / Zip-Code (Postal Address): (19328)
  • Fax: +962 6 5335169

Al-Ahliyya Amman University

Email: Public@ammanu.edu.jo


© Copyright Al-Ahliyya Amman University. Amman, Jordan 19111.